Zoe: You've been around the block a few times. What are you, around 60? 63! Fantastic! Never married, which, as we know, if you were a woman, would be a curse. You'd be an old maid, a spinster. So instead of pitying you, they write articles about you. Celebrate your never marrying. You're elusive and ungetable, a real catch. Then there's my gorgeous sister here.
Erica: No, wait. What?
Zoe: Look, please . . . No, this is interesting. Look at her. She is so accomplished. Most successful female playwright since who? Lillian Hellman? She's over 50, divorced. She sits in night after night . . . because available guys her age want something . . . forgive me, but they want somebody that looks like Marin. The whole over-50 dating scene is geared towards men leaving older women out. And as a result, the women become more and more productive . . . and therefore, more and more interesting. Which in turn makes them even less desirable because as we know men . . . especially older men, are threatened and deadly afraid of productive, interesting women. It is just so clear. Single older women as a demographic are as fucked a group as can exist.
Erica: What's with all the young girls? What's the story there? Really?
Harry: Just like to travel light.
Erica: You just like to travel . . .? God! I'm sorry, but what does that mean?
Harry: Now, see, a 30-year-old gets that.
Erica: You mean, falls for it.
Harry: I mean, accepts it. Acceptance is the key.
Erica: If that's what you want, a nonthreatening woman . . . who doesn't get your number, you get to run the show.
Harry: I have never lied to you. I have always told you some version of the truth.
Erica: The truth doesn't have versions, okay?
Harry: Will you cut me a little slack? My life has been turned upside down.
Erica: Mine too!
Harry: Well, then let's just each get our bearings.
Erica: I don't want my bearings. I've had my bearings my whole goddamn life.