Patrizio: Listen. Patrick, she’s gone. She’s not around anymore. Nikki left.
Patrick: What are you doing, Dad? You know what? Excelsior. Excelsior.
Patrizio: What does that mean?
Patrick: It means you know what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna take all this negativity and use it as fuel and I’m gonna find a silver lining. That’s what I’m gonna do. And that’s no bullshit.
Tiffany: Why did you order Raisin Bran?
Patrick: Why did you order tea?
Tiffany: Because you ordered Raisin Bran.
Patrick: I ordered Raisin Bran because I didn’t want there to be any mistaking this for a date.
Tiffany: It can still be a date if you order Raisin Bran.
Tiffany: Does anybody here happen to know what the official motto of the State of New York is on the official seal of the State of New York? Huh? Anybody? Do you? Do you know? Excelsior. Look it up. Yeah, excelsior. Not that I give a fuck about football or about your superstitions, but if it’s me reading the sign, I don’t send the Eagles guy whose personal motto is excelsior to a fucking Giants game, especially when he is already in a legal situation.
派特的第一步是健身、瘦身(getting in shape, getting trim),他告訴爸爸他要在這麼糟的情況下找出那一絲「silver lining」。這句諺語是這麼說的:「Every cloud has a silver lining」,指的是每一朵烏雲雖然遮蔽了光明,但我們還是能從雲邊找到幾條銀色的絲線,這些絲線就是沒被遮住的光,也代表事情並非完全令人絕望。