Cam: America, Jesus, freedom.
Mitch: And what does that mean?
Cam: Shit, I don't know. But the people sure love it when I say it.
Motch Brothers: My brother and l are job creators. And because of that, we're also candidate creators. [. . .] When you've got the money, nothing is unpredictable.
Raymond: Glenn and Wade Motch called this morning. You know the Motch brothers? And they feel there's an opening to challenge Cam Brady for congressman. [. . .] they want you to run for office. [. . .] I'd say there's mathematically zero chance of that happening. Your brother Tripp is a bull's-eye. But you look like Richard Simmons just crapped out a goddamn hobbit.
Marty: I'm an American. And I believe in American ingenuity and hard work. Unlike my friend here, Cam Brady who believes that everyone should live in Rainbow Land. [. . .] I'm referring to a 13-page doctrine written by Camden Brady called Rainbow Land.
Cam: That's something l wrote in the second grade.
Marty: I think anybody that writes about the redistribution of wealth sounds like a communist to me.
Cam: It is the simple story of a teddy bear giving a pot of gold to a leprechaun, okay?
Marty: May I read from Page 7? "Please come with me to Rainbow Land where unicorns are made of fudge and cotton candy and everything is free."
Cam: It's a fictitious place. Rainbow Land, it's fiction.
Marty: I guess we're all idiots according to Cam Brady.
Cam: I didn't say that. I did not say that.
“War has rules, mud wrestling has rules . . .
Politics has no rules.” Ross Perot, Presidential Candidate 1988 戰爭有規則,摔角格鬥有規則,政治沒有規則。 Ross Perot, 1988年總統候選人
摩奇兄弟看上傻呼呼的馬帝,認為他將成為他們掌心那顆可恣意操控的棋。而被矇在鼓裡的馬帝還以為這是從天而降、能為心愛小鎮服務的好機會,欣然接受這份參選提議run for office。在英文中,往往越簡單的單字會擁有越多的含意。Run除了「跑步」之意還有「(機器)運轉」、「經營(公司)」,而在這裡是「競選」的意思。同樣地,office雖一般含意為「辦公室」,但一旦將office與選舉連上關係,office代表的則是政府機關。
長久以來一直嫌棄馬帝的父親告訴馬帝摩奇兄弟要他參選的意圖,但馬帝的一片赤誠卻先被父親諷刺訕笑,認為他是:「Richard Simmons just crapped out a goddamn hobbit」。這一句對白凸顯了美國喜劇常常對台灣人「不友善」的一面,明明這句台詞會讓眾英美國人笑哈哈,但同樣在台灣的電影院,笑聲可能稀落甚至無聲。本台詞的笑點相信台灣觀眾比較熟知的是「哈比人」的部分,除了好幾年前的《魔戒》讓哈比人聲名大噪,近來以哈比人為主的魔戒前傳又出了電影版第一部曲,因此以哈比人來嘲諷馬帝個頭不高又圓胖的身材很適合。