導演 Martin Scorsese
出品 美/2010
延伸閱讀 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1130884
文 / Tina Ho |
Chuck Aule: You okay boss?
Teddy Daniels: Yeah, I’m fine. I just can’t stomach the water. You’re my new partner.
Chuck Aule: That’s right.
Teddy Daniels: Not the best way to meet, with my head halfway down to the toilet.
Chuck Aule: Doesn’t exactly square with “Teddy Daniels, the man, the legend,” I’ll give you that.
Teddy Daniels: The legend? What the hell you boys smoking over there in Portland, anyway?
[… …]
Chuck Aule: What about you? You got a girl? Married?
Teddy Daniels: I was. There was a fire at the apartment building while I was at work. Four people died. It was the smoke got her not the fire. See that’s important.
Rachel Solando: And if I say I am not crazy? Well, that hardly helps, does it? That’s the Kaefkaeque genius of it. People tell the world you’re crazy, and all your protests to the contrary just confirm what they’re saying.
Teddy Daniels: I’m not following you. I’m sorry.
Rachel Solando: Once you’re declared insane, then anything you do is called of insanity. Reasonable protests are denial. Valid fears, paranoia. [… …] I started asking about these large shipments of sodium amytal and opium-based hallucinogens.
Teddy Daniels: Psychotropic drugs.
Rachel Solando: I asked about the surgeries, too. You ever heard of a transorbital lobotomy? They zap the patient with electroshock, then go through the eye with an ice pick, pull out some never fibers. Makes the patients much obedient. Tractable. It’s barbaric, unconscionable. Do you know how pain enters the body? Do you?
Teddy Daniels: Depends on where you’re hurt?
Rachel Solando: No, it has nothing to do with the flesh. The brain controls pain. The brain controls fear, empathy, sleep, hunger, anger. Everything. What if you could control it?
Teddy Daniels: Do you mean the brain?
Rachel Solando: Recreate a man so he doesn’t feel pain or love or sympathy. A man who can’t be interrogated, because he has no memories to confess.
Teddy Daniels: You can never take away all a men’s memories. Never.
Rachel Solando: Marshal, the North Koreans used American POWs during their brainwashing experiments. They turned soldiers into traitors. That’s what they are doing here. They’re creating ghosts to go out in the world and do things sane men . . . sane men never would. |
瑞秋:北韓拿美國戰俘當作洗腦的實驗品。他們把士兵變成叛徒。這裡創造出幽靈,讓他們出去,做出正常人永遠做不出的事。 |
本片改編自丹尼斯‧勒翰(Dennis Lehane)的同名小說,描述兩位美國聯邦警官(Federal Marshals)前往關患有精神病罪犯的隔離島,協助調查何以一位行蹤不明的女性精神罪犯,能逃脫戒備森嚴的監獄。調查過程中,本片主角泰迪逐漸發現這間孤島監獄以及治療病患的精神科醫生們,似乎正進行著不可告人的秘密。同時,泰迪也不斷的被他自己的記憶與幻想所困擾,像在半夢半醒間,分不清現實與幻覺。透過泰迪,電影帶觀眾穿梭監獄和整座孤島、質詢罪犯,試圖解開隔離島以及島上燈塔裡所隱藏的祕密(blow the lid off this place)。而在揭發秘密的同時(uncover/explore the truth),也為泰迪的記憶與幻覺作出解答。

電影一開頭,是兩位聯邦警官搭船前往隔離島的鏡頭。泰迪對於水似乎非常的恐懼,導致身體不適嘔吐。這裡的can't stomach the water直譯是無法忍受水,stomach由常見的名詞「胃」轉為動詞用,有「忍受」之意,can't stomach the water延伸即有暈船(seasickness)之意。看著泰迪抱著馬桶嘔吐,他的搭檔恰克開玩笑的說:「Doesn’t exactly square with “Teddy Daniels, the man, the legend.”」。square with具有「與某事物相符」之意,所以指泰迪本人似乎跟傳說中的不同。有趣的是,這裡的水以及傳說中的人物所代表的意義,隨著故事發展,會跟著泰迪的記憶與幻覺慢慢被揭露。
回應恰克的傳奇之說,泰迪也開玩笑地回答:「What the hell you boys smoking over there in Portland, anyway?」接著,恰克問到泰迪的家庭,泰迪陷入回憶,他告訴恰克他的太太死於火災:「It was the smoke got her not the fire」。這裡的兩個smoke,一個是動詞,一個是名詞。前者有抽菸、抽大麻之意,後者則是指燃燒所產生的煙霧。在這裡泰迪強調他太太是被煙嗆死的,而不是被火燒死,一樣與泰迪的記憶與幻覺有關。

隨著故事發展,泰迪越加懷疑這個監獄除了身兼精神療養院(mental hospital)外,似乎還進行著某些實驗。他的懷疑在他遇見監獄病房裡的女性精神罪犯瑞秋後獲得了証實。瑞秋告訴他,她並沒有結婚也沒有小孩,在被指控為神經病患之前,她是這所監獄裡的精神科醫師(psychiatrist)。但因為質疑療養院的運作與其所進行的手術,而被指控精神有問題。而一旦被宣告精神上有問題(to be declared insane),無論說什麼都不會有人相信,任何合理的反抗也沒有用,反而只會被認為有妄想症(paranoia)。此外,瑞秋還告訴泰德,療養院的精神科醫師們所進行的實驗是一種被稱為前額腦葉切除的手術(transorbital lobotomy),如同北韓利用美國戰俘(POWs即prisoners of war)作實驗一般,他們把隔離島上的精神病罪犯當成實驗品,試圖製造出戰爭的殺人機器。

整部電影除了要追查監獄背後所要掩蓋的秘密,另外一條主線則一直左右主角泰德情緒的記憶與幻覺。泰德一方面想揭露事實,讓真相公諸於世;一方面也要讓自己趕快逃離這座禁錮之島。但電影一直傳達出無法逃離的意象,從它的英文片名Shutter Island(shutter有關閉之意)、沒有康復希望的精神病患者、到泰德本身不願面對而錯置的記憶。這些似乎都傳達著,一旦進入了此島似乎就永遠無法離開的意象。猶如進入墳場一般,一切活的、有生命力的事物將不再存在,也沒有回復的可能,因為這些人永遠不會像正常人一樣被對待。即便在故事開頭,泰德與恰克前往監獄路上的墳墓標誌上即寫著:「Remember us for we too have lived, loved, and laughed.(請記得,我們也曾經活過、愛過、笑過)」。
故事的最後,當一切謎題被解開時,泰德問了一個問題:「Which could be worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man?(怎麼樣比較糟,當一個怪物活著,還是當一個好人死去?)」這個問題似乎是問,當沒有超脫的希望時,究竟是活在不斷逃避、扭曲事實的痛苦中好,還是放棄生命意義,讓一切記憶抹去,成為活死人好?
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